These are from a car show I went to on February 8th, 2009. It wasn't
really a car show, it was a gathering of people to trade and sell cars and car parts. We'll just call it a car show. I just went to look at all the cars anyway. I went on the last day of the thing, so I missed most festivities. Still, there were a lot of really cool cars. I've put my name on these pictures, just to see how it looks.
1989 Iroc Camaro

Chevrolet Impala, I don't know what year but I'm going to guess that its a 73.

1950's Chevy Bel Air, It looked totally original. I would guess at least, I wasn't alive in the 50's to see them new.

The Sinclair truck. No, not Baby Sinclair from that show Dinosaurs, Sinclair Oil. I think Sinclair Oil is out of business. This was one of my favorite cars at the place, I like the color scheme and the dinosaur logo.

I don't really know what this is. Its either a Chevy or Ford from the 30's or 40's. Could be a kit car too, I have no idea. I'm leaning towards kit car.

This was my favorite car there and my favorite picture form that day. Its a 1947 Ford Coupe, I want it.